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Only available in Spanish. Entre los días 28 y 31 de mayo de 2014, en la ciudad de Macapá, Brasil, los pueblos de la región amazónica celebraron el VII Foro Social Panamazónico. Llenos de coraje y solidaridad, los participantes se comprometieron a luchar por la transformación de la Amazonia en la tierra sin males soñada por sus abuelos, como lo expresaron en la Carta de Macapá.
In the ejido (communal landholding) of Pichucalco, Montes Azules Biosphere, in the Lacandon Rainforest, delegates from the Montes Azules REDDeldía (“REDDellion”) Movement gathered from April 8 to 10 to discuss the issue of the inclusion of biodiversity and the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples in the draft multinational free trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The movement established three objectives:
Okomu Oil Palm Plc, the Dangote Group and United Food Industries Ltd representing Indonesia's Salim Group are to benefit from plans by the Edo State Government to allocate 410,000 hectares of forest land belonging to community people in order to establish large scale monoculture plantations. Only 30,000 will be left for the over 170,000 local farmers in the communities who earn their livelihood from farmlands and forest resources.
APRIL clears high conservation value forest in Sumatra’s Kampar Peninsula, as it breaks its own commitment, is an Investigative Report of Eyes on the Forest, a coalition of environmental NGOs in Riau, Sumatra, which monitors the performance of APRIL, a pulp and paper company with a very bad reputation for its operation since 1995, as well as violations to its own commitment to protect high conservation value forest (HCVF).
The Journal of Peasant Studies is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2013-14. Part of their series of initiatives to commemorate the anniversary of JPS is the publication of virtual special issues, starting with the 40 Classics in Peasant Studies. The second in the series is JPS 40: Peasants & Politics. This collection highlights some of the key articles that have been published in the journal over the past four decades on peasant politics.
We are updating our website to provide a more user-friendly platform for our visitors. While this transition is in process, some of our website content from prior to 2009 is still only available on our old website. On this new website you will find: • All WRM publications and videos • WRM monthly bulletins  from the last four years
On March 8, 2014, peasant farmers from organizations including the MPA, MST, MMC, Quilombolas, the Union of Rural Workers of Mucuri and Montanha and Fetaes, along with youth activists and other social movements, took to the streets of Montanha, in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, to denounce the pact between large landholders, the public administration and multinational corporations like Fibria (formerly Aracruz Celulose) to transform the region into an “enormous desert of eucalyptus”.
The women and men farmers and peasants belonging to the Via Campesina, are calling for this April 17th to be a global day of action and mobilisation in defence of the struggles of farmers and peasants, and, in particular, in defence of peasants' and farmers' seeds which are a heritage of the world's peoples in the affirmation of Food Sovereignty.
La Via Campesina, Friends of the Earth International, Focus on the Global South, the World Rainforest Movement and more than than 120 organizations from around the world sent a letter to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, in Rome, on the occasion of March 21st, the UN International Day of Forest. The letter demands that the FAO change its present definition of forests.
Environmental Justice Atlas, by EJOLT, a large EU project bringing science and society together to catalogue ecological distribution conflicts and resistance struggles. The interactive map describes in detail 900+ cases of environmental crimes. http://ejatlas.org/
Should we build more large dams? The actual costs of hydropower megaproject development, By Bent Flyvbjerg, Alexander Budzier, Daniel Lunn. An important scientific study by University of Oxford researchers on hydropower mega-dams built between 1934 and 2007 (245 dams in 65 countries). www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421513010926
First-hand testimony of Andaman tribe reveals sexual exploitation - In an audio recording obtained by Survival International, a young Jarawa man reports that poachers regularly enter his tribe’s protected reserve and lure young Jarawa women with alcohol or drugs to sexually exploit them. http://www.survivalinternational.org/news/9957