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By Chris Lang and Bruce Shoemaker.
· Background: Forests and Rural Communities in Laos
· The Failure of the ADB’s First Plantation Project in Laos
· The ADB’s New Plantations Project in Laos: Repeating the Same
BOX: The impacts of industrial tree plantations are being increasingly felt by rural communities. Eyewitness reports describe some of these impacts.
· Conclusion
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By the World Rainforest Movement.
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By John Blessing Karumbidza
Les forêts permettent à des millions de personnes de survivre, en leur fournissant du bois de feu, des plantes médicinales, des aliments, des engrais pour leurs cultures et une grande variété d'autres produits. En outre, elles sont vitales pour que l'environnement de la planète se maintienne en bon état.
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By René Montalba Navarro, Noelia Carrasco Henríquez and José Araya Cornejo.
By means of testimonials, documents and figures, the present report sets out the problems faced by that commune of 11,405 inhabitants, where monoculture tree plantations have expanded violently, imposed by a forestry development model instituted during the military dictatorship and still currently in force.
Disponible uniquement en espagnol, anglais et portugais.
Edited by The Network Alert against the Green Desert and the WRM.
By: Alacir De’Nadai, Winfridus Overbeek, Luiz Alberto Soares.
Anglais : Promises of Jobs and Destruction of Work. The case of Aracruz Celulose in Brazil
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Impacts of the Dutch FACE-PROFAFOR monoculture tree plantations’ project on indigenous and peasant communities
By Patricia Granda. Joint Research of Acción Ecológica and WRM
Carbon Sink Plantations in the Ecuadorian Andes
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This publication is the result of a joint effort -carried out by the Forest Peoples Programme, Rainforest Foundation UK, Environmental Defense, Global Witness, SinksWatch, CDM Watch, Samata, Down to Earth and World Rainforest Movement- to highlight the role that the World Bank Group plays in forest destruction and the violation of forest peoples’ rights.
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The whiteness of a sheet of paper hides obscure stories of enviromental degradation and social dispossession. Those stries are seldom know by consumers living far away from where the raw material -wood- is obteined and from where pulp and paper are produced. It is therefore important to know -and tell- the story.
Ce livre est un recueil d’articles publiés dans le bulletin électronique mensuel du Mouvement mondial pour les forêts tropicales (World Rainforest Movement – WRM) au sujet du processus de gestion communautaire des forêts et des combats menés localement et dans le monde pour que ces forêts soient protégées et utilisées d’une manière équitable pour la société et appropriée pour l’environnement.
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The debate on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) has until now largely focused on agricultural crops and much less on genetically modified trees. This is understandable, given the fact that there are already several GM crops being commercially grown in many places of the world and given that many of them are aimed at directly or indirectly feeding human beings, whose health is thus potentially threatened.