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Only available in Spanish or Portuguese 21 de setiembre de 2016 Día Internacional de Lucha contra los Monocultivos de Árboles Descargar como pdf aquí
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Saul Paau, a Q’eqchi’ Mayan community leader, describes the environmental and social devastation wrought by the palm oil industry in the Petén region of Guatemala, with a focus on the 2015 ecocide in the Pasión River associated with the company REPSA.
The Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, 6 months after the assassination of COPINH’s General Coordinator, hereby states that: The assassination of the woman who served as COPINH’s General Coordinator and who was a founding member of the organization was a crime committed against the entire Lenca people’s struggle to build autonomy and defend Mother Earth, our shared natural resources, and our rights as indigenous peoples.
Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL), a palm oil company, holds hundreds of thousands hectares of land as an agricultural concession. GVL is now pushing to allow logging for export in its concession. Were the government to permit the sale of timber from the legal clearing of forest for oil palm concessions, it would simplify the laundering of illegal timber and dramatically increase the pressure on Liberia’s forests.
The short film “Sacred Voices”, supported by the African Biodiversity Network and the Gaia Foundation, shares the messages of eight traditional Sacred Site Custodians from Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa and Uganda. Sacred Sites in Africa are being increasingly threatened by mining companies, investors, plantations, tourist developments and governments. “They do not respect our ancestral lands or our Sacred Natural Sites, which are potent healing places for maintaining vitality of our planet.
The Indian Parliament approved this July a passage from the Compensatory Afforestation Fund, better known as CAMPA Bill, which seeks to hand over large funds for promoting enormous “afforestation” plans; that is, monoculture tree plantations.
Only available in Spanish. El Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras con mucho pesar comunica a la comunidad nacional e internacional del asesinato de la compañera Lesbia Yaneth Urquía Urquía de 49 años, madre de dos hijas y un hijo, del municipio de Marcala, La Paz.
Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL), a palm oil company, holds hundreds of thousands hectares of land as an agricultural concession. GVL is now pushing to permit logging for export in its concession. International environmentalists are calling for a ban on the export of such timber to prevent the further destruction of rainforests.