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Please, click here to sign-on: https://secure.avaaz.org/po/petition/cepedescepedesorgbr_ Liberdade_para_o_Cacique_Babau_e_seu_irmao_Jose_Aelson/
Women, communities say NO to the expansion of oil palm plantations and industrial palm oil
We are 40 participants who have united in Mundemba, Cameroon, for an international workshop on the tactics and strategies of oil palm companies, from 28 to 31 January 2016. We have gathered to share our experiences from Cameroon, West and Central Africa, Asia and South America, and to understand the realities of the local communities in Ndian Division, Southwest Region of Cameroon.
Women resist industrial palm oil (Photo: JVE-Cameroun) Considering that the aspiration to human dignity is a common ideal for humankind, and that the United Nations Charter asserts this aspiration in its preamble and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
On the occasion of the Rio Tinto AGM on 14 April 2016 in London, Re:Common and the World Rainforest Movement, in collaboration with Collectif TANY are releasing the report Rio Tinto’s biodiversity offset in Madagascar. Double landgrab in the name of biodiversity?
4th April, Brussels - As member countries of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the United Nations’ specialised aviation agency, gather in Utrecht to discuss ways to ‘offset’ emissions from the airline industry, 79 environmental NGOs from five continents are demanding that it adopts a serious plan to reduce emissions.
width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"> Dear friends:
International Civil Society Statement.  This statement is open for sign-ons until the 1st April from organisations. It will be released on the 4th April, when the next meetion of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) will take place in the Netherlands.
Only available in Spanish.