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When communities denounce the water shortages they experience as a result of tree monocultures, the empirical evidence they present is often discredited and ridiculed in public by proponents of monoculture tree plantations who claim that there is no scientific evidence to back up the communities' demands. The Briefing combines empirical evidence based on community experience with evidence derived from Western science that reinforces what communities already know and have long been saying about the impacts large-scale monoculture tree plantations have on water resources.
In the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo, the Landless Peasant Movement MST is occupying some 400 hectares of land appropriated by pulp and paper company Fibria (formerly Aracruz Celulose). 190 families have already established a camp and are preparing the land for the cultivation of food free of pesticides.
Organizations in Chile demand an end to the national policy and instruments that have been created to favor the development of tree plantations. The large-scale pine and eucalyptus monoculture forestry model has caused, in addition to other impacts, the fire crisis that is being experienced in the south-central area of the country. For more information see: http://olca.cl/articulo/nota.php?id=106668
We share below the letter sent by Acción Ecológica thanking all the support received from the international level. We emphasize that, even though Acción Ecológica is still open, the legislation that allowed two Ministries to ask for its closure it is still valid.
América Latina, 26 de diciembre de 2016 La Red Latinoamericana contra los Monocultivos de Árboles (RECOMA) expresa su apoyo y solidaridad con nuestra organización hermana Acción Ecológica (AE) ante la amenaza de clausura que recibiera el pasado 20 de diciembre de 2016 por parte del Ministerio del Ambiente y el Ministerio del Interior.
Letter to be sent to: Dr Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador rafael.correa@presidencia.gob.ec Ministro de Ambiente walter.garcia@ambiente.gob.ec, wgarcia@ambiente.gob.ec, Ministro Interior fuentesd@outlook.com C/C presidencia@accionecologica.org TO THE ECUADORIAN GOVERNMENT: AGAINST THE DOUBLE EXTRACTIVIST HUNTING December 21, 2016 Dr Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador,
Acción Ecológica denounces the request made by Diego Torres Saldaña, Deputy Minister of Internal Security, to the Minister of Environment to set in motion an administrative procedure that would dissolve our organization on the ground that we have deviated from the aims for which we were constituted.
Report: From Global Enclosure to Self Enclosure: Ten Years After - A Critique of the CBD and the "Bonn Guidelines" on Access and Benefit Sharing. ETC Group, 2007. A reference document to understand the history of biopiracy and its consideration in the context of the CBD. The Guidelines were the basis for negotiation of the Nagoya Protocol.