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Executive Director at Focus on the Global South, Shalmali Guttal, talks about how trade and investments have converted agricultural lands and fishing grounds into special economic zones, especially in the Asian region. In the interview she describes how these conversions have affected the lives and livelihoods of communities. The interview also covers the broader issues of trade & investments' impact on medicines, intellectual property right, and corruption and public governance.
Article: Industry benefits but does not pay its dues. Patents are an assault on genetic resources. By Guy Kastler, General Delegate of Réseau Semences Paysannes, France.
The short video shows how the large-scale oil palm plantation project has negatively impacted the lives of thousands of community members, threatened biodiversity hotspots, and failed to meet development promises to local communities in the Southwest region of Cameroon. The film was released in anticipation of a crucial decision to be made by the Government of Cameroon on the renewal of a land lease for the controversial Herakles Farms (SGSOC) project. “The Wrong Project in the Wrong Place” is available here:
2 November 2016. European and US development funds are bankrolling palm oil company Feronia Inc despite land and labour conflicts at its plantations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). New information now raises questions as to whether the Canadian-based company misused millions of taxpayer dollars destined for international aid by way of companies connected to a high-level DRC politician.
Only available in Spanish. Comunicado de Otros Mundos A.C. / Amigos de la Tierra México - San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México, a 25 de octubre del 2016
The General Assembly of Oilwatch, which is celebrating its 20 years of existence, and met in Quito in the framework of the Social Forum Resistance to Habitat III, declares:
The Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH, for its Spanish acronym) denounces to the national and international public the murder attempts against Tomás Gomez Membreño, General Coordinator of COPINH and Alexander García Sorto, community leader of Llano Grande, Colomoncagua.