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This report aims to draw attention to violations and threats that environmental justice defenders in Central Africa are facing, specifically in the Congo Basin. The report is based on two studies. The first concerns the legal framework for the protection of environmental justice advocates in Central Africa. The second focuses on the inclusion of communities' rights in Central African countries. Read the report in French.
The main goal of this booklet is to inform communities about the serious problems that a REDD project can cause for the communities involved. WRM has visited a number of these communities over the past years. All of them, without exception, have a lot to say about REDD. This is what motivated us to produce this booklet: to share their experiences with other communities who also run the risk of being affected by a REDD project.
The WRM, together with GRAIN, prepared a collection of videos on the impacts of large-scale industrial oil palm plantations. The videos have been produced by several partners from around the world working against expansion of industrial oil palm plantations and they describe the impacts that local communities suffer when the expansion takes place on their territories.
Two publications show how REDD undermines forest peoples’ rights, fails to address deforestation and puts the blame for deforestation and emissions on peasant farming practices while undermining local food systems.
A video produced by GRAIN shows how rural women in West Africa are working to protect traditional palm oil production in the face of the destructive expansion of industrial oil palm plantations. Watch the video here.
Representatives from the world's most notorious mining companies are meeting at the 'Responsible Extractives Summit' in London, England, on 21 and 22 June.
Only available in Spanish 5 de junio - Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente
El asesinato de Berta Cáceres ha desnudado una serie de intereses económicos que involucran distintos niveles de funcionarios, instituciones financieras, integrantes de gobiernos centroamericanos, europeos, estadounidenses y canadienses (por lo menos) que dejan ver la arquitectura del despojo.
Only abvailable in Spanish. Por Giorgio Trucchi El Ministerio Público hondureño dio a conocer la detención de cuatro sospechosos del asesinato de Berta Cáceres, un teniente retirado del ejército y subjefe de seguridad de DESA, un mayor de las Fuerzas Especiales de las FFAA, el gerente social y ambiental de DESA y un capitán retirado del Ejército.