Les autres informations

Disponible uniquement en anglais. The General Assembly of Oilwatch, which is celebrating its 20 years of existence, and met in Quito in the framework of the Social Forum Resistance to Habitat III, declares:
Disponible uniquement en anglais et espagnol. frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Saul Paau, a Q’eqchi’ Mayan community leader, describes the environmental and social devastation wrought by the palm oil industry in the Petén region of Guatemala, with a focus on the 2015 ecocide in the Pasión River associated with the company REPSA.
The Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, 6 months after the assassination of COPINH’s General Coordinator, hereby states that: The assassination of the woman who served as COPINH’s General Coordinator and who was a founding member of the organization was a crime committed against the entire Lenca people’s struggle to build autonomy and defend Mother Earth, our shared natural resources, and our rights as indigenous peoples.