Representantes de organizações de diferentes países da América Latina e de redes internacionais, reunidos em La Ceiba, Honduras, constataram, por meio de testemunhos locais, a grave situação enfrentada por comunidades camponesas, indígenas e garífunas devido ao avanço voraz da monocultura de dendê.
Outra informação
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By Geasphere, South Africa
Since 2004,21st September is a special day used to raise awareness about the impacts of large-scale timber plantations, to encourage action, to highlight alternative ‘forestry’ models andto celebrate the progress made in the resistance against the industrial timber production model.Sustained resistance is critical, because timber plantations seriously affect the long-term ecological sustainability in areas where they have been established.
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WRM information sheets on GE tree research
First posted: 25 November 2009
Last update: August 2014
Forest tree species being manipulated:
Rubber tree
Aim of genetic manipulation
More rapid growth rate to increase yield
Those carrying out the research:
Disponível apenas em inglês.
WRM information sheets on GE tree research
First posted: August 2014
Forest tree species being manipulated:
hybrid aspen (populus)
Aim of genetic manipulation
Disponível apenas em inglês.
WRM information sheets on GE tree research
First posted: August 2014
Forest tree species being manipulated:
Hybrid aspen (populus)
Aim of genetic manipulation
Disponível apenas em inglês.
WRM information sheets on GE tree research
First posted: August 2014
Forest tree species being manipulated:
Disponível apenas em inglês.
The Campaign to STOP Genetically Engineered Trees (CSGET) Urges FSC to Disassociate from Suzano/FuturaGene